In this article we will look at six ways to use stones for meditation or asana practice to make their effect even more powerful.
The ways in which you interact with your stones and get the results from them are very personal. You may prefer to meditate with pink quartz, keep green aventurine on the altar or sleep with amethyst under your pillow.
You may find that you prefer one method for a particular type of crystal, such as adding it to the altar, and then discover that you want to keep it in your pocket. Like most crystal elements, let your intuition guide you.
Creating rituals for working with crystals can make the effect even more powerful and dynamic. Ritualization also increases attention and is a great practice of self-care, which contributes to overall recovery. Here are six ways to work with crystals, as well as how to use stones for meditation and yoga practice.
Creating an altar gives your intentions and desires a physical form. It also gives your crystals a sacred space to work in.
Ritual: First, designate a place for your altar. It can be a shelf or a table. Clean this area by burning dried herbs or wood so that the smoke cleans the energy of the space.
Create your own intention, choose crystals and other sacred objects that match the purpose of your altar, and place them intuitively. Create a new altar when your intention is revealed or when you feel that you are meant to hold space for something else.
A bath filled with the energy of crystals is a great way to feel the vibration of the stones.
Ritual: Prepare a place to swim first. This may mean dimming the light, lighting candles or incense, or applying a few drops of soothing essential oil to your whiskey.
Add water to the bath and put some crystals in it, charged with your intention. Amethyst or pink quartz is perfect for this ritual. Before taking a bath, take a few deep, cleansing breaths, close your eyes and meditate on your intention. Immerse yourself in the bath and let the water, charged with energy, envelop your body.
Crystal lattice
Creating a crystal lattice is the organization of stones to use the power of sacred geometry. Not only is it a meditative practice, it can increase the effectiveness of your crystalline work on a particular intention. Grilles can be simple or complex as you like.

Ritual: First, mark the space for your grid and clean up the energy by fuming the place. Determine your intention, then select the crystals that will support it.
Decide which sacral geometry grid suits you, and place your crystals in a pattern, starting from the outside and paving your way inside, remembering your intention. Finally, place the last master crystal in the center of your grid. Take a few centering breaths and visualize the intent of your grid.
Holding a particular stone (or keeping it close to you) while meditating can improve your practice, open your mind and strengthen your connection to the ground.
Ritual: Choose the stone you want to work with (fluorite, celestial and smoky quartz are good options). Find a quiet place to meditate and sit in a comfortable position. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths, close your eyes and calm your mind.
Hold the stone you want to work with (or place it next to) and imagine that its energy is penetrating your body and soothing your mind. Focus on breathing, holding the space in that energy.
Physical contact
Placing stones directly on your body, especially over the chakras, can help clean up energy blocks and direct certain advantages to areas that need the most healing.
Ritual: First decide which chakra you want to work with, and choose the crystal that supports it. Lie on your back, take a few breaths and calm your mind.
Take a stone and place it on the chakra that you want to clean, open or heal – for example, amazonite on the heart or iolite on the third eye. Visualize how its energy is absorbed into your body.
Continue for a few minutes or until you feel like you need to stop. Take a deep cleansing breath and express your gratitude, either internally or externally, for the work done.
A dream.
Storing crystals on a nightstand or even under a pillow is an easy way to benefit from their energy while sleeping. Soothing stones such as dumortierite are best suited for this practice.
Ritual: Before going to bed, dim the lights, hold the selected stone and take a concentrated, cleansing breath.
Visualize the energy of the crystal and the deep sleep it gives you. Place the stone in a pillowcase or under a pillowcase, and then easily fall asleep.