When researching CBD and alcohol, there are generally a few (albeit very different) motivations for wanting to know more about how these two substances interact and impact each other.
Typical questions from our customers include;
- Can I drink alcohol and take CBD oil at the same time?
- Can I drink alcohol if I take CBD on a daily basis?
- Is CBD oil an alternative to alcohol?
- Can CBD Oil reduce my dependence on alcohol?
Let’s start by taking a look at the two substances and how they affect our system.
Alcohol is effectively a toxin and a known depressant. It affects our central nervous system in various ways (providing both positive and negative experiences to the user), which can lead to changes in mood, movement, speech, coordination and many others. Also, the more alcohol you consume or the higher the percentage of alcohol, the greater the effects.
CBD has a much more balanced and healthy influence; it impacts our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in a positive way, promoting homeostasis. Your body knows how much CBD it needs and where to run it, it only uses what it needs to create that balanced wellness.
The two substances are incomparable from a health perspective, but, of course, they are part of people’s lifestyles and diets. Unfortunately, the two have not been thoroughly researched and studied together, but we understand that CBD and alcohol do not interact with each other in the body. There are brewers around the world starting to produce beer with CBD and spirits and wines with CBD.
Can I drink alcohol and take CBD oil at the same time?
Many people mix their dose of CBD oil with their favorite beverage, but the sensible way to take your CBD is to place 3-4 drops under the tongue and leave it there for 60 seconds to allow for rapid absorption into the bloodstream. If you are new to CBD, you may not yet have a full picture of how CBD is affecting you, so it is best to be sensible with any therapeutic intake and talk to your GP if you have any concerns.

CBD actually protects the body from alcohol-induced cell damage, so it could be considered a proactive step in balancing your lifestyle if you enjoy a drink in the evening. Taking CBD and alcohol together in high doses can certainly make you drowsy and should be avoided.
Can I drink alcohol if I take CBD daily?
The answer above is still valid here. But as a regular daily user of CBD, you will be more aware of how it affects you and will be in a better position to make informed decisions about your alcohol consumption.
Is CBD oil an alternative to alcohol?
CBD does not give you a “high” because it contains only miniscule amounts of THC. It is not a viable alternative to drinking alcohol in that sense. However, many of the reasons people consume alcohol, for example, to eliminate stress or reduce anxiety, get to sleep more easily or relax, can actually be better realized by taking CBD.
Can CBD oil reduce my dependence on alcohol?
CBD and addiction is fast becoming a widely researched area with many case studies showing that CBD can have a major positive impact on addiction (in all its various forms, including smoking addiction). Combining the addiction-serving qualities with the function of counteracting alcohol-induced harm, CBD has a fairly compelling case for its use in the management of alcohol addiction.
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